SAR Applications

Security & Defense

SAR Applications

Security & Defense

Reliable and frequently provided SAR data for security use cases across the country as Dark Vessel Detection, Border Monitoring, Production Site Activity Monitoring, Port Activity Monitoring, Aircraft Change & Classification, and Railway Activity Monitoring.

SARsat Arabia makes use of satellite imagery by using the latest technologies to monitor sensitive infrastructures. We provide near-real-time, accurate and in-depth data, giving you the ability to foresee the future and make the right decisions to make the best use of your resources.


Use Cases


Large-scale monitoring and detection of vehicles, infrastructure, and buildings


Precisely classify aircraft, maritime and land equipment classes


Monitoring of Naval and Air bases, shipyards, construction, and repair docks


High and Low Resolution SAR Change Detection


Pattern Search Algorithms

I'll show you how

How can SAR data
support your business?

We provide satellite data and its analytics to our customers in the Arab world.
Please contact us to learn more about how to assist your security business